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Start building your own payment gateway with Paymint
Paymint allows you to easily create addresses for a range of cryptocurrencies that your users can send to.
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Easily setup callbacks at important milestones
Once Paymint detects a transaction, and at important milestones in the confirmation, it calls your "callback" link with relevant information.
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Quick & easy cashouts directly to your address
When the transaction is finalized, Paymint instantly forwards the money to your "output" address.
You never have to worry about lengthy withdrawal times. You always stay in control of your crypto.
You never have to worry about lengthy withdrawal times. You always stay in control of your crypto.
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Perfect for white-labeling
Paymint makes it easy to accept crypto in a white-label fashion.

# you want to accept Bitcoin from user ID fred
uid = "fred"
output = "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
callback = f"https://example.com/callback/{uid}"
response = requests.get(f"https://btc.paymint.to/{output}?callback={callback}")
address = response.json()["address"]
app = Flask(__name__)
def callback():
data = json.loads(request.data)
print(f"{uid} paid {data['received']} BTC with {data['confirmations']} confirms")
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Start building your own payment gateway with Paymint
Paymint allows you to easily create addresses for a range of cryptocurrencies that your users can send to.
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Easily setup callbacks at important milestones
Once Paymint detects a transaction, and at important milestones in the confirmation, it calls your "callback" link with relevant information.
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Quick & easy cashouts directly to your address
When the transaction is finalized, Paymint instantly forwards the money to your "output" address.
You never have to worry about lengthy withdrawal times. You always stay in control of your crypto.
You never have to worry about lengthy withdrawal times. You always stay in control of your crypto.
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Perfect for white-labeling
Paymint makes it easy to accept crypto in a white-label fashion.

# you want to accept Bitcoin from user ID fred
uid = "fred"
output = "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
callback = f"https://example.com/callback/{uid}"
response = requests.get(f"https://btc.paymint.to/{output}?callback={callback}")
address = response.json()["address"]
app = Flask(__name__)
def callback():
data = json.loads(request.data)
print(f"{uid} paid {data['received']} BTC with {data['confirmations']} confirms")
what we support
We support major cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin (BTC)
Minimum Amount
0.00008 BTC

Monero (XMR)
Minimum Amount
0.002500 XMR

Dogecoin (DOGE)
Minimum Amount
5.0 DOGE

Dash (DASH)
Minimum Amount
0.002500 DASH

Litecoin (LTC)
Minimum Amount
0.002500 LTC

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
Minimum Amount
0.002500 BCH
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Paymint?
Paymint is a payment processing API that allows you to accept and monitor cryptocurrency transactions.
What can Paymint be used for?
Paymint can be used to accept cryptocurrency payments for any purpose. It can be used to accept payments for a SaaS product, a subscription service, or even a physical product. Paymint can be integrated in websites, desktop applications, or programs like Discord and Telegram bots.
Do I need to be a developer to use this service?
For now, yes. We are working on eccomerce plugins for popular platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. In the future, Paymint will be usable without requiring any programming experience.
Will you add support for my favorite cryptocurrency?
We are working on adding support for more cryptocurrencies. If you have a specific request, please contact us.
What is the difference between Paymint and other payment processors?
Paymint does not require you to create an account. You can simply create cryptocurrency addresses with our API. Paymint monitors the status of payments in real-time. Instead of having to request withdrawals, Paymint forwards money to you immediately.
Why is there no signup?
Our API does not require you to create an account. Transactions are tracked with your callback address, so we don't need accounts.